Cultivation Conditions and Production according to Producing Countries, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 1972
Sunflower research : progress report 1972
M.O. CHUBB, D.G. DORRELL, Henry ENNS, J.A. HOES ...... 477
La culture du tournesol en Hongrie (Sunflower cultivated in Hungary)
Dr. Lajos BOTOS ....................................... 481
Inquiétudes en ce qui concerne la résolution des problèmes relatifs au tournesol
H. A. SHEYBANI......................................... 484
Sunflower production and problems in Iran
E.KARAMI...................... 486
Aspects and problems of sunflower culture in Southern Italy
G. PACUCCI, G .T. SCARASCIA-MUGNOZZA ................. 490
L'évolution des cultures de tournesol au Maroc (Evolution of sunfower crops in Morocco)
I MAN I Abdelghani .................................. 497
Research on sunflower production and breeding under tropical conditions
Filomena F .CAMPOS ..................................... 503
Aspects de la culture du tournesol en Roumanie (Aspects of sunflower cultivation in Romania)
T. MURESAN, V.A. VRANCEANU .......................... 508
Production practices of farmers of the Red River Valley of the United States
James R. LOFGREN ........................................ 513
Evolution de la culture du tournesol en Italie et problèmes actuels de techniques culturales et d'amélioration génétique
G. GIROTTO, G.VICENTINI.................. 522
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in West Pakistan
Salim J. MALIK .......................................... 528
Résumé des recherches effectuées sur le tournesol
Dj. GHAZANCHAHI ....................................... 532
Sunflower - A potential oilseed in India
N.S. MAINI ................................... 534