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ISC & Symposia

Proceedings of ISC & Symposia

17th ISC, Cordoba, Spain, 2008 Vol.2

Volume 2

Table of Contents 


Early responses to high crop population density in sunflower: Controls and effects of the crop self-organization process Mónica López Pereira, Nora Trápani, Jorge Casal, Antonio Hall............... 417

Early sowing as a means of drought escape in sunflower: effects on vegetative and reproductive stages Clémentine Allinne, Nedjoua Ghoribi, Pierre Maury, Rhym Maougal, Ahmad Sarrafi, Nadia Ykhlef, Philippe Grieu ……………………………. 423

SUNFLO: A joint phenotyping and modelling approach to analyse and predict the differences in yield potential of sunflower genotypes Jérémie Lecoeur, Richard Poiré-Lassus, Angélique Christophe, Lydie Guilioni………429

Root system and water extraction variability for sunflower hybrids Lydie Guilioni, Ando M. Radanielson, Angélique Christophe, Jérémie Lecoeur……435

Effects of high water table conditions on sunflower growth and quality Satoko Yasumoto, Yukari Terakado, Morio Matsuzaki, Kensuke Okada…………… 441


Optimizing of potassium and magnesium fertilizers in sunflower production E. Sepehr, F. Nourgolipour, M.J. Malakouti…………………… 447

Sunflower response to mineral nitrogen, organic and bio-fertilizers under two different levels of salinity M.M. Keshta, T.Y. Rizk, E.T. Abdou…………………451

The effect of different amounts of animal manure on qualitative and quantitative traits of sunflower hybrid varieties A. Faramarzi, B. Mirshekari, H. Mohammadi, A. Ahmadi.................... 455

Nitrogen fertilization of high oleic sunflower in wet climate Gian Paolo Vannozzi, Maurizio Turi, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Zohreh Rabiei..... 459


Efficiency of modeling sunflower and Amaranthus retroflexus L. competition Bahram Mirshekari, Ali Faramarzi, Mahmood Poor Yousef…………………. 463

Sunflower protection from negative effects of 2,4-D Vladimir Strelkov, Ludmila Fyadyuchenko, Lidia Isakova………………... 469

Análisis del crecimiento de genotipos de girasol resistentes y susceptibles a herbicidas imidazolinonas Fernando S. Adegas, Marcelo F. Oliveira, Alexandre M. Brighenti………….. 473

Assessment of sunflower yield maps and discrimination of late-season weed patches by using field spectroradiometry and remote sensing: the case of Ridolfia segetum Moris F. López-Granados, J.M. Peña-Barragán, M. Jurado-Expósito, L. García-Torres……477

Control of Cirsium and Xanthium in sunflower hybrids resistant to express 50 SX Alexandrina Popescu……………………………………….. 483

Development of CLHA-Plus: a novel herbicide tolerance trait in sunflower conferring superior imidazolinone tolerance and ease of breeding Carlos Sala, Mariano Bulos, Mariel Echarte, Sherry Whitt, Gregory Budziszewski,William Howie, Bijay Singh, Brigitte Weston……………… 489


Selection of sunflower hybrids for Banja Luka area in Bosnia and Herzegovina Jovan Kondic, Krsto Mijanovic……………………………….. 495

Principal component analysis as a reflector of combining abilities Mehdi Ghaffari, Ebrahim Farrokhi…………………………………. 499

New sunflower hybrids tolerant of Tribenuron-Methyl Sinisa Jocic, Vladimir Miklic, Goran Malidza, Nada Hladni, Sandra Gvozdenovic…. 505

Genetic improvement of oil quality in sunflower mutants under water stressed conditions A. Ebrahimi, P. Maury, M. Berger, F. Shariati, P. Grieu, A. Sarrafi………….. 509

Estimation of genetic diversity of sunflower single cross hybrids using principal component analysis Hossein Zeinalzadeh Tabrizi, Hassan Monirifar, Varahram Rashidi, Mehdi Ghaffari… 513

Relationship between genetic distance and heterosis based on quantitative traits and SSR markers in sunflower Sandra Gvozdenovic, Dejana Saftic-Pankovic, Sinisa Jocic, Dragan Škoric……. 519

The Pervenets mutation in sunflower knocks out the wild microsomal oleate desaturase gene and leads to high oleic acid content in the seed oil Séverine Lacombe, Irénée Souyris, André Bervillé………….. 525

Vegetation period and hybrid sunflower productivity in breeding for earliness Sergey Gontcharov, Maria Zaharova………………………….. 531

Homo- and heterozygous longitudinal gradient of oleic acid content in sunflower seeds Yakov Demurin, Oxana Borisenko, Nikolay Bochkarev……………... 535

White rot resistance, seed weight and seed oil contentin sunflower testcrossesMª Antonela Giussani, Fernando Castaño, Raúl Rodríguez, Facundo Quiroz…….. 539

Gene effects and combining abilities of sunflower morphophysiological traits Nada Hladni, Siniša Jocic, Vladimir Miklic, Marija Kraljevic-Balalic, Dragan Škoric. 545

Ichraq: Première variété de tournesol d’automne au Maroc Abdelghani Nabloussi, Bassou Akhtouch, Mohamed Boujghagh, Mohamed El Asri, Mohamed El Fechtali…………………………………. 551

Estimation of breeding potential for tocopherols and phytosterols in sunflower Alicia Ayerdi Gotor, Monique Berger, Françoise Labalette, Sylvie Centis, Jean Daydé, Anne Calmon………………………………….. 555

Studies on general and specific combining abilities in sunflower Ebrahim Farrokhi, Abolghasem Khodabandeh, Mehdi Ghaffari……………... 561

Heredabilidad de componentes de rendimiento en dos poblaciones de girasol de la EEA Pergamino Julio González, Nora Mancuso, Pedro Ludueña………………………. 567

General combining ability analysis in sunflower maintainer lines using line x tester crosses Ebrahim Farrokhi, Bahram Alizadeh, Mehdi Ghaffari ………………... 571

Selection of sunflower genotypes for Central Brazil Claudio Guilherme Portela de Carvalho, Ana Cláudia Barneche de Oliveira, Anna Karolina Grunvald, Francielle Pereira da Silva.................... 575

Selection of sunflower genotypes for sowing dates in August/September in Southern region of Brazil Ana Cláudia Barneche de Oliveira, Cláudio Guilherme Portela de Carvalho, Anna Karolina Grunvald, Francielle Pereira da Silva................. 579

Identification of a new CMS cytoplasm and localization of its fertility restoration gene in sunflower Jiuhuan Feng, C.C. Jan…………………………………………... 583

Germoplasma mejorado de girasol de la EEA Pergamino Julio González, Nora Mancuso, Pedro Ludueña………………… 589

Heterosis for yield and oil content of sunflower lines developed from biparental populations G. Chigeza, P. Shanahan, M.J. Savage, K. Mashingaidze…………595

A modifying gene affecting gamma-tocopherol content in sunflower María J. García-Moreno, José M. Fernández-Martínez, Begoña Pérez-Vich, LeonardoVelasco…………………………………………… 601


QTL for capitulum resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in sunflower Felicity Vear, Isabelle Jouan-Dufournel, Pierre-François Bert, Frédéric Serre, Florence Cambon, Caroline Pont, Pascal Walser, Sylvie Roche, Denis Tourvieille de Labrouhe, Patrick Vincourt…………………. 605

HeliaGene, a bioinformatics portal for Helianthus sp. genomics Sébastien Carrere, Jérôme Gouzy, Nicolas Langlade, Pascal Gamas, Patrick Vincourt…… 611

Mapping a novel fertility restoration gene in sunflower Gustavo Abratti, María Eugenia Bazzalo, Alberto León………………… 617

Verification of positive BAC clones near the Rf1 gene restoring pollen fertility in the presence of the PET1 cytoplasm in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and direct isolation of BAC ends Sonia Hamrit, Barbara Kusterer, Wolfgang Friedt, Renate Horn……………... 623

The efficiency of different molecular indices in sunflower breeding Maria Duca, Ana Capatana………………………………………. 629

Differential gene expression in SuCMoV-tolerant and susceptible sunflower lines Daniel Mailo, Monica Poverene, Fabián Giolitti, Sergio Lenardon……………... 635

Molecular mapping of a new induced gene for nuclear male sterility in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Ana Capatana, Jiuhuan Feng, Brady A. Vick, Maria Duca, C.C. Jan………… 641

Fine mapping of the downy mildew resistance locus PlARG in sunflower Silke Wieckhorst, Volker Hahn, Christina M. Dußle, Steven J. Knapp, Chris Carolin Schön, Eva Bauer… 645

Identification of molecular markers linked to a new nuclear male-sterility gene ms7 in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Caifeng Li, Jiuhuan Feng, Fengming Ma, Brady A. Vick, C.C. Jan……………….. 651

Construction of a linkage map with TRAP markers and identification of QTL for four morphological traits in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Bing Yue, Brady A. Vick, Jerry F. Miller, Xiwen Cai, Jinguo Hu………………. 655

Candidate gene analysis and identification of TRAP and SSR markers linked to the Or5 gene, which confers sunflower resistance to race E of broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) Angustias Márquez-Lema, Philippe Delavault, Patricia Letousey, Jinguo Hu, Begoña Pérez-Vich………………………………………….. 661


Tribenuron-methyl resistance in accessions of annual wild sunflower species from the Novi Sad germplasm collection Sreten Terzic, Jovanka Atlagic………………………………………… 667

Hybridization between cultivated sunflower Helianthus annuus L. and wild perennial species Helianthus pumilus Nuttall Miroslava M. Hristova-Cherbadzi, Michail Christov………………………. 673

Studies on some morphological characters of wild Helianthus annuus L. accessions with different origin Daniela Valkova, Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzi, Michail Christov, Emil Penchev… 679

Weedy sunflowers in France: Prevalence and first inferences on their origin Marie-Hélène Muller, Vincent Lecomte, Bernard Garric, Pierre Jouffret, Martine Leflon, Florent Pourageaux, Richard Ségura…………………………………….. 685

Characterization of hybrids from crosses between cultivated Helianthus annuus L. and subspecies rydbergii (Britton) Long of perennial diploid Helianthus  nuttalliiMiroslava M. Hristova-Cherbadzi, Michail Christov…………… 691

Preventing botanical contamination risk of sunflower hybrid seed in the Valle Bonaerense del Río Colorado, Argentina Miguel Cantamutto, Alejandro Presotto, Juan Pablo Renzi, Mónica Poverene……697

Seed morphology and oil composition of wild Helianthus annuus from Argentina Miguel Cantamutto, Daniel Alvarez, Alejandro Presotto, Ivana Fernandez-Moroni, Gerald Seiler, Mónica Poverene…………………………………………. 703

Helianthus species in breeding research on sunflower Michail Christov…………………………………………………. 709

Wild sunflower species from the southeastern United States as potential sources for improving oil content and quality in cultivated sunflower Gerald J. Seiler, Tom J. Gulya, Gary Kong…………………………… 715

Cytogenetic study of an F1 sunflower interspecific hybrid (Helianthus annuus x Helianthus praecox) Jovanka Atlagic, Sreten Terzic…………… 721

Sunflower nested core collections for association studies and phenomics Marie Coque, Sébastien Mesnildrey, Michel Romestant, Bruno Grezes-Besset, Félicity Vear , Nicolas B. Langlade, Patrick Vincourt……………………………… 725

Using interspecific hybrids with Helianthus tuberosus L. to transfer genes for quantitative traits into cultivated sunflower, H. annuus L. Brent S. Hulke, Donald L. Wyse…………………………………… 729

2008 update: The USDA sunflower collection at the north central regional plant introduction station, Ames, IA, USA Laura Fredrick Marek, Charles C. Block, Candice C.A. Gardner……………….. 735

Helianthus annuus natural populations to increase the whole genetic diversity of domesticated sunflower: the concept of neodomestication Hervé Serieys, Hamidreza Nooryazdan, François Kaan, Roberto Bacilieri, Jacques David, Marie-France Ostrowski, Marie-Hélène Muller, André Bervillé... 741


Effect of the environment on the chemical composition and some other parameters of sunflower seed quality Velimir Radic, Siniša Jocic, Jelena Mrda ………….. 747

Variability and genetic analysis of sterols content in sunflower seeds Marion Alignan, Jane Roche, Felicity Vear, Patrick Vincourt, Andrée Bouniols, Muriel Cerny, Zephirin Mouloungui, Othmane Merah………………………….. 751

Caractérisation par infra-rouge des teneurs en acides gras de la graine entière décortiquée de tournesol Alicia Ayerdi Gotor, Philippe Moreau, Antoine Gaillard, Anne Calmon…………….. 757

Near infrared spectrometry (NIRS) prediction of minor components in sunflower seeds Alicia Ayerdi Gotor, Monique Berger, Françoise Labalette, Sylvie Centis, Jean Daydé, Anne Calmon..... 763


Expansion of sunflower crop production in Brazil: a survey of future trends Nilza Patrícia Ramos, Cláudio César de A. Buschinelli, Ariovaldo Luchiari Junior, Adriana M. Moreno Pires……………... 769

Breeding of sunflower as a biogas substrate Volker Hahn, Martin Ganssmann………………………………………... 775

Veinte años de ensayos de girasol en Andalucía: evolución del rendimiento de semilla y riqueza grasa J. R. García Ruiz, J. Domínguez Giménez, J. García López…………………….. 779

The situation and future directions of sunflower production in the Black Sea RegionYalcin Kaya, Mukadder Üstün Kaya, Veysel Kaya, Ibrahim Sahin………… 785

The future potential of oleic type sunflower in Turkey Yalcin Kaya, Veysel Kaya, Ibrahim Sahin, Mukadder Ustun Kaya, Goksel Evci, Nesrin Citak………… 791

Oil type sunflower production in Turkey Yalcin Kaya, Veysel Kaya, Goksel Evci, Ibrahim Sahin, Mukadder Üstün Kaya…. 797

Oilcake as a fuel alternative to wood pellets Yuichi Kobayashi, Hitoshi Kato, Genta Kanai……………………….. 803