Table of contents
International trials with sunflower hybrids (the sixth cycle 1986-1987)
A. V. Vrânceanu, Gabriela Soare (Romania}................................05
Breeding for high content of oleic acid in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) oil.
Juan Fernàndez-Martinéz, J. Dominguez-Gimenez, A. Jimenez Ramirez (Spain) ..............11
Relationships between yield and yield components in forty populations of sunflower
B. Tanimu, S.C. Ado (Nigeria)........................................17
Head diameter of sunflower as an indicator for seed yield
A.A. Kandil, Salwa I. El-Mohandes (Egypt) ............................21
Variability of sunflower oil yields in Europe as influenced by cultivar oil content
A. Kovacik, V. Skaloud, V. Vlckova (Czechoslovakia) ................................25
Ecological studies on sunflower root system
Maria Terbea, A. V. Vranceanu (Romania) ....................................29
Element diversity in inbred lines
M. Saric, B. Krstic, Dragan Skoric (Yugoslavia)........................ 35
Sunflower diseases mapping in Europe and some countries outside Europe in the period 1984-1986
M. Acimooic (Yugoslavia)........................................................ 41
A new method of inoculation (leaf disk immersion) of sunflowerwith Plasrnopara
V. E. Sackston, Brigitte Vimard (Canada). . . . . 51
A comparison of fungicides against Plasmopara halstedii and a proposal for their practical use
Ferenc Viranyi, G. Oros (Hungary)....................................... 55
Comparaison de la sensibilité du tournesol au Sclerotinia du capitule avec les productions nectarifère et pollinique
Denis Tourvieille, M.H. Pham-Delegue, Felicity Vear, R. Marilleau, Y. Loublier., Ph. Douault Ph., J.P. Phillippon J. P, (France).......................................... . 59
Herbicidal selection for broomrape (Orobanche cernua) control in sunflower
L. Garcia-Torres, Mercedes Castejon, F. Romero-Munoz (Spain).................... . 65
Evaluation of plant-water relations of wild perennial sunjloioer species under irrigation
Gerald Seiler (U.S.A.) .......................69
Effect of irrigation treatments on some economic characters of sunflower
B.A. El-Ahmer, N. R. Guirguis, S.A. M. Attia, S. Kh. El-Saied (Egypt)............... . 75
Application of gamma-irradiated pollen and in vitro technics for transfer of genetic information
J. Georgieva- Todorova, R. Vassileva (Bulgaria)........... . 81
Results and trends in breeding and cultivation of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in West Germany
Walter Schuster, Wolfgang Friedt (R.F. Germany)............................. . 85
The 12th International Sunflower Conference
A. V. Vrânceanu (Romania)................................ . . 93