Table of contents
Results of the fourth experimental cycle with sunflower cultivars (1982-1983)
A. V. Vrânceanu, F. N. Stoenescu, Gabriela Soare (Romania) .....5
Sources and inheritance of resistance to race 3 downy mildew in sunflower
J. F. Miller, T.; Y. Gulya (U.S.A.) ....................17
Pollen fertility restoration as differently controlled among Helianthus species
G. P. Vannozzi, R. Paolini (Italy).........21
Cytogenetical characteristics of the inter- specific hybrids Helianthus annuus L. X Helianthus resinosus Small
Jordanka Georgieva-Todorova (Bulgaria) ..........23
Variation in agronomic and morphological characteristics of several populations of wild annual sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
G. J. Seiler (U.S.A.)..........29
Recent research on the downy mildew of sunflower in Hungary
Ferenc Virany (Hungary)..........35
Mesures de lutte intégrées contre les agents pathogènes du tournesol / Integrated control means of sunflower pathogens
H. Iliescu, T. Baicu. (Romania).......................39
Sunflower diseases in Europe, the United States, and Australia, 1981-1983
M. Acimovic (Yugoslavia)..........45
Energy accumulation and utilization in sunflower lines
T. Cupina, Marijana Plesnicar, Milica Tomasevic (Yugoslavia) .......55
Information and Reports :
A short report about the sunflower in Austria
D. Wolffhardt (Austria)..... 61 &
First trials with sunflower cultivars in Cyprus
A. Hadjichristodoulou (Cyprus)
Les principaux thèmes de recherches conduits en France sur tournesol
Eric Choppin de Janvry (France).............67
The fifth Consultation of the F.A.O. Research. Network on Sunflower (Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 24-27 July 1984)
A. V. Vrânceanu (Romania) ..........69