Table of contents
Results of the network experimentation of sunflower cultivars in the biennial cycle 1980-1981
A. V. Vrânceanu, F. M. Stoenescu (Romania) .............5
Tolerance of sunflower hybrids to competition among plants
A. V. Vrânceanu, F. M. Stoenescu and Maria Terbea (Romania)............23
Some considerations regarding the distribution of leaf area in sunflower/Quelques considérations sur la distribution des surfaces foliaires du tournesol (Helianthus annuus)
G. Piquemal, J. C. Mouret (France).........27
Evaluation of gene linkage and its use in the determination of the heredity of traits in sunflower
A. Kovacik, V. Skaloud (Czechoslovakia)...............35
Study on the heredity of sunflower isomature character/ Etude sur l'hérédité du caractère isomature chez le tournesol
P. Leclercq (France) ..............41
Effectiveness of Fusilade and Kusagard in the control of Johnsongrass from seeds and rhizomes in sunflower crops
N. Sarpe, C. Dinu (Romania)..................45
C. Kratchanov and A. Bratanoff (Bulgaria)..........49