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Last name : UNDERWOOD
First name : William
Entrance year : 2017
Occupation : Research Plant Pathologist
Company : USDA-ARS
Email : [hidden for users not logged in]
Birthdate : 1979/06/28
Address : Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center 1616 Albrecht Blvd N 58102 Fargo / United States
Main fields of interest :
  • Seeds, genetics
  • Crop protection
  • Plant physiology
Professional experience : I have worked as a plant pathologist for the USDA Agricultural Research Service focusing on sunflower pathology since 2015.
Education : *PhD, Genetics, Michigan State University, 2006 *BS, Biology, Indiana University, 2001
Selected publications : * Talukder ZI, Underwood W, Misar CG, Seiler GJ, Liu Y, Li X, Cai X, Qi L (2021) Unraveling the Sclerotinia basal stalk rot resistance derived from wild Helianthus argophyllus using a high-density single nucleotide polymorphism linkage map. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 2240. * Underwood W, Misar CG, Block C, Gulya TJ, Talukder Z, Hulke BS, Markell SG (2021) A greenhouse method to evaluate sunflower quantitative resistance to basal stalk rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Plant Disease, 105, 464-472. * Talukder ZI, Underwood W, Ma G, Seiler GJ, Misar CG, Cai X, Qi L (2020) Genetic dissection of Phomopsis stem canker resistance in cultivated sunflower using high density SNP linkage map. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, 1497. * Gilley MA, Gulya TJ, Seiler GJ, Underwood W, Hulke BS, Misar CG, Markell SG (2020) Determination of virulence phenotypes of Plasmopara halstedii in the United States. Plant Disease, 11, 2823-2831. * Wronski AR, Prasifka JR, Grove MS, Koehler BD, Misar CG, Underwood W, Hulke BS (2020) Registration of oilseed sunflower maintainer germplasm HA 489 with resistance to the banded sunflower moth. Journal of Plant Registrations, 14, 197-202. * Chiniquy D, Underwood W, Corwin J, Ryan A, Szemenyei H, Cherk Lim C, et al (2019) PMR5, an acetylation protein at the intersection of pectin biosynthesis and defense against fungal pathogens. The Plant Journal, 100, 1022-1035. * Ma G, Song Q, Underwood WR, Zhang Z, Fiedler JD, Li X, Qi L (2019) Molecular dissection of resistance gene cluster and candidate gene identification of Pl17 and Pl19 in sunflower by whole-genome resequencing. Scientific Reports, 9, 1-10. * Money KL, Koehler BD, Misar CG, Grove M, Underwood W, Hulke BS (2019) Registration of oilseed sunflower germplasms RHA 485, RHA 486, and HA 487, selected for resistance to Phomopsis stalk canker and Sclerotinia, in a high-yielding and high-oil background. Journal of Plant Registrations, 13, 439-442. * Talukder ZL, Long Y, Seiler GJ, Underwood W, Qi L (2019) Introgression and monitoring of wild Helianthus praecox alien segments associated with Sclerotinia basal stalk rot resistance in sunflower using genotyping-by-sequencing. PLoS One, 14, e0213065. * Talukder ZL, Long YM, Seiler GJ, Underwood W, Qi L (2019) Registration of oilseed sunflower germplasms HA-BSR6, HA-BSR7, and HA-BSR8 highly resistant to Sclerotinia basal stalk rot and downy mildew. Journal of Plant Registrations, 13, 433-438.