Members' Directory

Last name :
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Entrance year :
Occupation :
Seed Processing and Valorization Dpt Manager
Birthdate :
Address :
270 AV. De la Pomme de Pin
45160 ARDON / France
Main fields of interest :
- Seeds, genetics
- Machinery
- Crushing, process
- Food industries
- Feed industries
- Economy, value chains
Professional experience : Seed Processing and Valorization Dpt Manager at Terres Inovia (see CV for more info)
* ISO/IEC 17025 COFRAC accredited lab Main methods in the lab. Testing material : mainly seeds such as rapeseed/canola, sunflower, linseed, soybean, pea, horse bean, lupin,… but also derived cakes/meals. Testing for internal research programs or external customers
* Processing, food and feed valorization and experiments.
And :
- ISO/TC34/SC2 (Oleaginous seeds and fruits and oilseed meals) chairman
- AFNOR/T60D (Oleaginous and proteaginous seeds and fruits and oilseed meals) chairman
- ISO/TC34/SC4/WG6 (Pulses) convenor
- AFNOR T60C (Fat and oils), V18A (Feed and feeding stuffs) and V54A (vegetable proteins) member
- VP and board director of BIPEA (international lab proficiency tests organizer)
* Expertise from previous jobs :
- Physiological and germination, usable plant and vigor testing with ISTA or in-house (lab or greenhouse) testing. - Physical purity and other seed by number testing (according to ISTA rules) - Testing material : vegetables, trees and shrubs seeds
- Plant genetics and molecular biology - PhD work.
Education : * PhD in plant biology and genetics - Sorbonne University (Paris VI) / INRAe Versailles IJPB, supervised by Dr Hervé Vaucheret
* Master 2 in plant biology, genetics and molecular biology - Saclay University (Paris XI)
Selected publications : • Synergistic action of the Arabidopsis spliceosome components PRP39a and SmD1b in promoting post-transcriptional transgene silencing ; The Plant Cell - 2023 ; Jérémie Bazin; Emilie Elvira-Matelot; Thomas Blein; Vincent Jauvion; Nathalie Bouteiller; Jun Cao; Martin D Crespi; Hervé Vaucheret
• Vigour tests show little evidence for predictivity of carrot stand establishment in field trials; Acta Horticulturae – 2019 ; M. Hundertmark-Bertaud; S. Boizard; G. Bregier; P. Rouby; S. Geslin; V. Jauvion
• The Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein SmD1 Interplays with Splicing, RNA Quality Control, and Posttranscriptional Gene Silencing in Arabidopsis ; Plant Cell · 2016 ; Elvira-Matelot E, Bardou F, Ariel F, Jauvion V, Bouteiller N, Le Masson I, Cao J, Crespi MD, Vaucheret H.
• Post-transcriptional gene silencing triggered by sense transgenes involves uncapped antisense RNA and differs from silencing intentionally triggered by antisense transgenes ; Nucleic Acids Res · 2015 ; Parent JS, Jauvion V, Bouché N, Béclin C, Hachet M, Zytnicki M, Vaucheret H.
• Deciphering the transcriptional regulatory network controlling the expression of TRANSPARENT TESTA 8 in Arabidopsis thaliana ; New Phytologist · 2013 ; Xu, W., Grain, D., Le Gourrierec, J., Harscoët, E., Berger, A., Jauvion, V., Scagnelli, A., Berger, N., Bidzinski, P., Kelemen, Z., Salsac, F., Baudry, A., Routaboul, J.-M., Lepiniec, L., Dubos, C.
• Mutations in the Arabidopsis H3K4me2/3 demethylase JMJ14 suppress posttranscriptional gene silencing by decreasing transgene transcription ; Plant Cell · 2012 ; Le Masson, I., Jauvion, V., Bouteiller, N., Rivard, M., Elmayan, T., and Vaucheret, H..
• RDR2 partially antagonizes the production of RDR6-dependent siRNA in sense transgene-mediated PTGS ; PLoS One · 2012 ; Jauvion, V., Rivard, M., Bouteiller, N., Elmayan, T., and Vaucheret, H.
• Deciphering post-transcriptional gene silencing pathways through genetic screens ; RNAi technology. · 2011; Jauvion, V., Mallory, A.C., Vaucheret, H.
• The miRNA pathway limits AGO1 availability during siRNA-mediated PTGS defense against exogenous RNA ; Nucleic Acids Res · 2011 ; Martinez de Alba, A.E., Jauvion, V., Mallory, A.C., Bouteiller, N., and Vaucheret, H.
• The conserved RNA trafficking proteins HPR1 and TEX1 ...... (see CV for more info)