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Mariano Martin SPOSARO
Last name : SPOSARO
First name : Mariano Martin
Occupation : Sunflower Global Research Manager
Company : GDM SEEDS
Email : [hidden for users not logged in]
Address : Monseñor Magliano 3061, San Isidro B1642GLA Buenos Aires / Argentina
Main fields of interest :
  • Seeds, genetics
Professional experience : - Asistant Breeder. Advanta Semillas Sunflower Breeding Program. February 2007 to September 2009. - Sr. Breeder. Nidera S.A. Sunflower Breeding Program. Focus on Sunflower Europe. September 2009 up to June 2016. - Sunflower Breeding Program manager. Nidera S.A. Sunflower Breeding Program. June 2016 up to July 2019. - LAS Sunflower Breeding Head, Syngenta. July 2019 up to August 2022. - Sunflower Global Research Manager, GDM. September 2022 up to now.
Education : - Degree in Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2004. - Magister Sientiae in Crop Production, “Alberto Soriano” Graduate School, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Thesis:” Ecophysiology of root and stem lodging tolerance in sunflower”. 2010. - PBA (Plant Breeding Academy), UCDavis, California, 2014. Final project: “Indirect selection for different targets environments, through genetic correlation among locations in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)”.
Selected publications : - Sposaro, M.M., Chimenti, C.A. and Hall, A.J. 2008. Root lodging in sunflower. Variations in anchorage strength across genotypes, soil types, crop population densities and crop developmental stages. Field Crops Research, 106, 179-186. - Hall, A.J., Sposaro, M.M., Chimenti, C.A. 2010. Stem lodging in sunflower: Variations in stem failure moment of force and structure across crop population densities and post-anthesis developmental stages in two genotypes of contrasting susceptibility to lodging. Field Crops Research. 116: 46-51. - Sposaro, M.M., Berry, P.M., Sterling, Hall, A.J. Chimenti, C.A. 2010. Modeling root and stem lodging in sunflower. Field Crops Research. 119: 124-134. - de la Vega A.J., Cantore M.A., Sposaro, M.M., Trápani N., López Pareira, M., Hall, A.J. 2011. Canopy stay-green and yield in non-stressed sunflower. Field Crops Research. 121: 175-185.