Members' Directory
Last name :
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Entrance year :
Occupation :
Research Engineer
Company :
INRAE * Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement
Phone :
+33 (0)5 61 28 57 03
Email :
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Birthdate :
Address :
LIPME Research Laboratory,
24 chemin de Borde Rouge,
Auzeville CS 52627, 31326 CASTANET TOLOSAN CEDEX / France
Main fields of interest :
- Seeds, genetics
- Plant physiology
Professional experience : * 2021-present day Data analyst, INRAE Toulouse (France). Analyzing high-throughput omics data (GWAS, transcriptome profiling, data integration) in sunflower
* 2017-2021 Data analyst, INRAE Jouy en Josas (France). Analyzing high-throughput omics data, especially in the fields of transcriptomics and data integration.
* 2010-2016 Head of the CRB GADIE core facility, INRAE Jouy en Josas (France). Providing services in the field of animal genomics, i.e. microarrays, NGS and biobanking
* 2009-2010 Field application specialist, Applied Biosystems (Italy). Working as a technical partner to the customers in the fields of Sanger sequencing and qPCR
* 2006-2009 Post-doc, INRAE Evry (France). Physical mapping and patterns of nuclear diversity in resistance genes in grape
* 2002-2006 PhD in Plant biotechnologies, University of Udine (Italy). Physical mapping of the nuclear genome of grape, sequencing and annotation of the chloroplast genome of grape
Education : * PhD in ‘Biotechnological Sciences’, University of Udine (Italy)
* Degree in Agricultural Sciences, University of Udine (Italy)
Selected publications : * Mach N., Moroldo M., Rau A., Lecardonnel J., Le Moyec L., Robert C., Barrey E. (2021) Understanding the Holobiont: Crosstalk Between Gut Microbiota and Mitochondria During Long Exercise in Horse. Frontiers in molecular biosciences, Apr 8; 8:656204
* Moroldo M., Munyaka P.M., Lecardonnel J., Lemonnier G., Venturi E., Chevaleyre C., Oswald I.P., Estellé J., Rogel-Gaillard C. (2020) Integrative analysis of blood and gut microbiota data suggests a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)-related disorder in French SLAdd minipigs. Scientific Reports, Jan 14; 10(1):234
* Vu Manh T.P., Elhmouzi-Younes J., Urien C., Ruscanu S., Jouneau L., Boudinot P., Bourge M., Moroldo M., Foucras G., Salmon H., Marty H., Quéré P., Bertho N., Dalod M., Schwartz-Cornil I. (2015) Defining mononuclear phagocyte subset homology across vertebrate species through comparative transcriptomics. Frontiers in immunology, Jun 19; 6:299
* Moroldo M., Paillard S., Marconi R., Legeai F., Canaguier A., Cruaud C., De Berardinis V., Guichard C., Brunaud V., Le Clainche I., Scalabrin S., Testolin R., Di Gaspero G., Morgante M., Adam-Blondon A.F. (2008) A physical map of the heterozygous grapevine ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ allows mapping candidate genes for disease resistance. BMC Plant Biology, 8:66
* The French-Italian Public Consortium for Grapevine Genome Characterization (2007) The grapevine genome sequence suggests ancestral hexaploidization in major angiosperm phyla. Nature, 449(7161):463-7.