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Last name : BIVOL
First name : Ina
Entrance year : 2020
Occupation : Senior researcher
Company : Moldova State University
Email : [hidden for users not logged in]
Birthdate : 1975/07/10
Address : University Centre for Functional Genetics, 3/2, Academiei street, MD 2028 Chisinau / Moldova
Main fields of interest :
  • Seeds, genetics
  • Crop protection
  • Crop production
  • Agronomy
  • Plant physiology
  • Food industries
  • Nutrition
Professional experience : - plant breeding and genetics (hybridization, heterosis, transgression, induced mutagenesis, and gametophyte breeding of plant). - characteristic and evaluation for genetic resources of grain legume crops by international descriptors and statistical programmes. - introduction, acclimatization, and conservation genetic resources of grain legume crops (genus Vigna, Phaseolus). - taxonomy databases, diversity, and related taxonomical groups of grain legume crops (genus Vigna, Phaseolus, Lablab). - gene expression in different species of plants (the quantitative and qualitative traits); - manipulations with DNA and RNA (extraction, purification, electrophoresis analysis; PCR and its application); - genetic analysis methods (genotyping) used for phylogeny, phylogeography and population techniques differentiation.
Education : 1982-1992 – Secondary School of Camenca №2, Moldova; 1990-1992 – Republican correspondence School of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, Moldavian State University, Chisinau, Moldova; 1993-1998 – M. Sc., Department of Biology and chemistry, State University of Tiraspol, Chisinau, Moldova. 1998-2001 – Ph. D., specialization genetics, Institute of Genetics, Academy of Sciences, Chisinau, Moldova. 01.12.2008 - 05.12.2008 – International School on Molecular Genetics for Young Scientists "Genomics and evolution", Moscow, Russia; 2008-2012 – English language courses "Beginner course", "Elementary course", "Pre-intermediate course", "Intermediate course", "Upper intermediate course" English Educational Centre "Crotalus", Chisinau, Moldova; 2012-2013 – English language courses "Beginner course", "Intermediate course" online language learning community Livemocha.
Selected publications : 1. Bivol Inna. Inheritance of some qualitative and quantitative characters by hybrids of the first generations of species Vigna unguiculata. In: Scientific Annals of the Moldova State University. Collection of Scientific Articles of the Moldova State University. Chisinau, 2006, p. 175-180 (in Russian). 2. Bivol Inna, Ganea Anatolii, Barbacar Nicolae. The use of morphological and molecular (RAPD) markers to assess the genetic diversity of species Vigna unguiculata. In: Plant agrobiodiversity in the Republic of Moldova: assessment, conservation and use. Proceedings of the National Symposium. Chisinau, 2008, p. 170-177 (in Russian). 3. Bivol Inna, Barbacar N. Molecular characterization of genome of the different species from genus Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis. In: Current problems of genetics, physiology and breeding. Reports and abstracts of the national conference with international participation. Chisinau, 2008, p. 19 – 26 (in Russian). 4. Baca I., Bivol I., Zamorzaeva I., Barbacar N., Batrinu T., Motoc R., Ghetea G. L., Barbarii L., Constantinescu C., Iancu D. Cornea V., and Korol A. Comparative genotyping of some Moldavian grapevine cultivars. In: Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, 2011, vol. 3, №13, p. 399-411. ISSN 2006-9782. DOI: 10.5897/JHF11.035 (IF: 0.123). http://www.academicjournals.-org/jhf/contents/2011cont/12%20Dec.htm. 5. Ligia Gabriela Gheţea, Rozalia Magda Motoc, Carmen Florentina Popescu, Nicolae Barbacar, Ligia Elena Bărbării, Carmen Monica Constantinescu, Daniela Iancu, Tatiana Bătrînu, Ina Bivol, Ioan Baca and Gheorghe Savin. Assessment of Diversity in Grapevine Gene Pools from Romania and Republic of Moldova, Based on SSR Markers Analysis. Horticulture, the book edited by Alejandro Isabel Luna Maldonado. InTech, 2012, chapter 3, p. 43-60. ISBN 978-953-51-0252-6. ( of-moldova-based-on-ssr-ma). 6. Birsan Ana, Bivol Ina. Analysis of genetic polymorphisms in some autochthonous soybean cultivars with different drought resistance. In: Advanced Biotechnology - achievements and prospects. The national symposium (III) with international participation. Chisinau, 2013, p. 36 (in Romanian). See more on CV attached