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Moldova State University
Phone :
+ 373 69 658 486
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Center of Functional Genetics,
3/2, Academiei street
MD 2028 Chisinau / Moldova
Main fields of interest :
- Seeds, genetics
- Plant physiology
Professional experience : * 2020-till now: Researcher at the Moldova State University, Center of Functional Genetics
* 01 January 2013 - 2020: Researcher at the State University "Dimitrie Cantemir" (University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova), Center of Functional Genetics. (Scientific activity projects, study of bioactive substances from plants, molecular biology, studies on the interaction sunflower with broomrape).
* 01 January 2011 - 31 December 2012: Junior researcher at the University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, University Center of Molecular Biology, Laboratory of Proteomics.
Education : November 2012 -2020 - PhD School, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
September 2008 - iune 2010 - Master’s degree in Natural Sciences, University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
September 2005 - july 2008 - Bachelor’s degree in Natural Sciences, Moldova State University, Faculty of Biology and Pedology, Specialty of biology, the thesis performed on Biochemistry
Selected publications : 1. M. DUCA, O. TABARA, A. MUTU, R. MARTEA. Transcriptional activity of some genes implicated in reinforcement of cell wall in sunflower against infection with broomrape. In: Abstract book of the International Biological, Agricultural and Life Science Congress (BIALIC), November 7-8, 2019, Lviv, Ukraine, p. 171.
2. M. DUCA, S. CLAPCO, A. PORT, O. TABARA, A. MUTU. The expression of some dehydrin genes in drought-stressed sunflower genotypes. In: Abstract book of the International Biological, Agricultural and Life Science Congress (BIALIC), November 7-8, 2019, Lviv, Ukraine, p. 212.
3. M. DUCA, A. MUTU, O. TABARA, R. MARTEA. Expression of some genes implicated in antioxidative defense system in sunflower infected with broomrape. In: Abstract book of the National Conference with International Participations „Life sciences in the dialogue of generations: Connections between universities, academia and business community”, October 21-22, 2019, Chisinau, p. 33.
4. S. CLAPCO, A. MUTU, A. PORT, M. DUCA. Effects of drought stress on the seed germination in sunflower. International congress on oil and protein crops, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, May 20-24, 2018, Abstract Book, p. 125.
5. A. PORT, V. NECHIFOR, S. CLAPCO, A. CUCEREAVII, I. GISCA, A. MUTU, M. DUCA. Genetic diversity of Orobanche cumana populations using ISSR markers. Book of abstract 4th International Symposium on broomrape in sunflower, Bucharest, Romania, 2-4 July, 2018. p. 39-40.
6. S. CLAPCO, O. TABARA, A. MUTU, I. GISCA, A. PORT, M. JOITA-PACUREANU, M. DUCA. Screening of some sunflower hybrids for drought tolerance under laboratory conditions. Scientific papers, Agronomy series, 2018, vol. 61(1), p. 205-210.
7. A. MUTU, R. MARTEA, O. BUDEANU, C. DRUTU, A. PORT, M. DUCA. Genetic variation in medical and aromatic plants based on molecular marker analysis. In: Phytochemicals in Medicine and Pharmacognosy: Phytochemical Society of Europe conf., 27-30 Apr. 2014: book of abstr. Piatra-Neamţ, 2014, p. 76.
8. A. MUTU, O. BUDEANU, R. MARTEA, S. CLAPCO, E. GILLE, A. PORT, M. DUCA. Rapd molecular marker study of the intraspecific variability of Origanum vulgare subsp. vulgare naturally occurring in Moldova. In: Conservation of plant diversity: Intern. Sci. Symp., 3rd ed., 22-24 May 2014. Ch., 2014, p. 87-88.
*See more on CV attached