Contents Editorial Activity and News of the association - Turkey: Trakya University Wild Sunflower Garden inauguration
- Orobanche Atlas
- 20th International Sunflower Conference
Value chains and regional news - Europe
- Sunflower In North America
- Argentina
- Industrial design modelling
Scientific news Publications - GENETICS AND BREEDING
Coming International and national events EDITORIAL We hope that this ISA newsletter N°9 will find all its readers and their families in good health. The pandemic affects the whole planet in a second wave, and most governments try to find a way to manage both health and economic consequences, which are already considerable. Although disrupted in its functioning, the agricultural sector is relatively spared and globally maintained its activity, crops are still sown, grown, and harvested. The agricultural production sector is confirmed as a permanent basis of the economy for the very basic reason that it meets a fundamental need: food. For agronomists and more generally people working with life sciences, adversities linked to biology or climate are something « normal »; only the intensity of the phenomena may not be normal. And from this point of view, the COVID-19 pandemic, with 1,4 million deaths until now, is still far below the wastes of the 1918-19 influenza, which caused probably more than 50 million deaths in the world, but overpassed the 1968 influenza. We may think that scientific progress will permit to control it with vaccination, which gives at least the hope to « erase » this disease and forget this bad period. The events of abnormal intensity linked to the climate change, seem to be more frequent in recent years, and also concern vital aspects for humanity. We know that erasing the problem is already not possible and that it will not be possible to forget it in the coming centuries. Science and technical development will certainly play their role for both adaptation and mitigation of climate change, but this issue certainly deserves more intensive financial efforts than done until now… An association like ISA often works on medium and long-term issues and encourage us in thinking beyond short term. But as for anybody, our normal functioning is disrupted: our events, our General Assembly and board meetings, and more generally our interactions. We are obliged to play with the virus and will do our best to adapt ourselves on the short term and take the best decisions especially for our next ISA Conference. We are carefully monitoring the situation and based on new information, we will make a timely decision on holding the conference and other activities of our association. We want all of us to overcome this situation as soon as possible and as easily as possible, and for all of us to return fully to our efforts to improve scientific activities and all aspects of sunflower production. Dr Vladimir Miklič, ISA President Etienne Pilorgé, ISA Secretary
Activity and News of the association Turkey: Trakya University Wild Sunflower Garden inauguration, August 2020Nice initiative for the preservation and maintenance of wild sunflower genetic resources progresses and development of international collaboration: our former ISA President Yalcin Kaya shared this message: “I am proudly informing you that we opened Wild Sunflower Garden in Trakya University with higher participation, with my rector and other guests as well as with higher interest of Turkish National Media. We set up our garden via a bilateral scientific project between Bulgaria and Turkey. Our garden covers almost all Helianthus species except some endangered species in the US with over 200 accessions. We are grateful to Dr Laura Marek supplying seeds from USDA Genebank and Sofia Genetics Institute director and our project partner leader Assoc.Prof. Dr. Roumiana Vassilevska-Ivanova and Dr Daniela Valkova from Dobroudja Institute. We set up a web page to share all information via our web page as English and Turkish as well as QR codes on the plates of all accessions in the garden so all visitors could reach all necessary information by cell phones during their visits as Turkish and English. We will conduct in our project: All Helianthus species and subspecies; the classical characterization based UPOV criteria molecular characterization, set up DNA contents-based flow cytometry, etc. We will conduct scientific research in our wild garden as well as M Sc and Ph D student thesis and we are ready to collaborate on any kind of project with all institutions and seed companies from all parts of the world. All information, pictures will be shared as free on our web page. “ See Images on PdF File. Orobanche AtlasIn the ISA newsletter N6 of last January, we mentioned and presented the book “Orobanche Cumana Atlas” By Maria Duca, Steliana Clapco, Rodica Martea, Olesea Tabara. In Romanian, with many illustrations and references, it provides an overview of the main results obtained by the Moldavian research on all key aspects of O. cumana and a description of the parasite structure, distribution, race evolution, control measures etc. The electronic version of this book of common interest for the sunflower community is now available on the ISA website. See: Contact: Maria Duca (ISA member) 20th International Sunflower Conference, Novi Sad, Serbia. Dear colleagues, Currently, it is not possible for us to prognose the situation in June next year and how the Conference will be held. The intention is to proceed as planned with a regular Conference organization. We will inform all potential participants about the form of the conference at least three months before the beginning. Thank you for your understanding. At this moment, the Conference program and speakers remain the same, with only minor changes. Already received abstracts and papers are valid. We invite everyone interested to continue submitting abstracts and papers. Submission is open:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 10 December 2020 Paper Submission Deadline: 20 March 2021 Registration is open: Regular fee deadline 20 May 2021 On site fee from 21 May 2021 The conference website remains active and all conference information will continue to be published there. See you next year in Novi Sad! 20th ISC Organizing Committee Value chains and regional news EuropeThe European Commission – JRC MARS Bulletin published last October 26th, its crops forecasts, revised downwards since September. The end of sunflower season in Europe may have been affected by rainfall in Western Europe for the latest crops. “Warm and dry summer weather continued throughout the first three weeks of September in most of Europe” but “abundant rainfall and a clear rain surplus were recorded in the second half of the analysis-period in most parts of central and western Europe and the central and eastern Mediterranean region. These wet conditions at the end of September and October caused delays to the harvesting of summer crops. “ See Pictures and Tables on PdF File. Globally, yield results are relatively good in the western part of Europe, similar or higher than 5 years average, but heavily affected by the lasting warm and dry conditions in Romania and Bulgaria (see newsletter N°8). For more details, including comments per country, see: In Ukraine, trend similar to Bulgaria and Romania is mentioned: the JRC confirms its forecasts of the specific Ukraine Bulletin of September ( ), yields lower than in 2019 (-4,8%), but still better than 5 years average. The USDA World production report published on October 9 gives more details and seems to be even less optimistic: “Ukraine sunflower seed production for 2020/21 is estimated at 15.0 million metric tons (mmt), down 12 percent from last month and down 9 percent from last year. Yield is estimated at 2.21 tons per hectare (t/ha), down 12 percent from last month and down 14 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 6.8 million hectares, unchanged from last month and up 6 percent from last year.” (more details at Sunflower in North AmericaSunflower progresses in septentrional regions. As reported by the US National Sunflower Association (see, the Canadian sunflower acreage progressed from 55900 acres ( 22600 ha) in 2019 to 100000 acres (40470 ha) in 2020, principally in Manitoba, which means a 79% increase. This trend is common with the traditional production areas in USA, since the 2020 US acreage rises by 26% compared to 2019, reaching 1,7 million acres (688 000 ha) for a total production estimated at 1,27 Million tons, up 44% compared to 2019. ArgentinaThe USDA World production report published on October 9th mentioned a decrease in 2020/21, sunflower acreage by 9% compared to last year, at 1,4 million ha. “Soil moisture is favorable in the province of Buenos Aires; however, increased precipitation is needed in northern and central Argentina. The combination of reduced rainfall and warmer-than-average temperatures has resulted in soil moisture deficits.” ( Industrial design modellingSharing results may be a smart way to advertise about services: We found on Research Gate, this presentation of an application of a software designed by INTELLIGEN INC, SuperPro Designer®, to the case of a Sunflower seed crush plant, as example. Stavropoulos, Y., & Petrides, D. Sunflower Seed Crush Plant Process Modeling and Evaluation using SuperPro Designer®. Scientific news Publications GENETICS AND BREEDINGLiu, Z., Gu, W., Seiler, G. J., & Jan, C. C. (2020). A Unique Cytoplasmic–Nuclear Interaction in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Causing Reduced-Vigor Plants and the Genetics of Vigor Restoration. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 1010. Makarenko, M., Usatov, A., Tatarinova, T., Azarin, K., Kovalevich, A., Gavrilova, V., & Horn, R. (2020). The Investigation of Perennial Sunflower Species (Helianthus L.) Mitochondrial Genomes. Genes, 11(9), 982. Rauf, S., Warburton, M., Naeem, A., & Kainat, W. (2020). Validated markers for sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) breeding. OCL, 27, 47. Chen, S., Zhang, H., Huang, Y., Cai, R., Mei, G., Cao, D., & Ruan, G. (2020). Difference and Genetic Analysis of Main Agronomic Characters Between Oil Sunflower and Edible Sunflower in Zhejiang. Field Crop, 3. Shalini, T., & Martin, A. (2020). Identification, isolation, and heterologous expression of Sunflower wax synthase for the synthesis of tailored wax esters. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 44(10), e13433. Basra, M. A. (2020). Genetic diversity and identification of trait specific accessions for drought stress from sunflower germplasm. Pak. J. Agri. Sci, 57(5), 1236-1242. Gody, L., Duruflé, H., Blanchet, N., Carré, C., Legrand, L., Mayjonade, B., ... & Mangin, B. (2020). Transcriptomic data of leaves from eight sunflower lines and their sixteen hybrids under water deficit. OCL, 27, 48. Tran, V.H.; Temme, A.A.; Donovan, L.A. Wild and Cultivated Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Do Not Differ in Salinity Tolerance When Taking Vigor into Account. Agronomy 2020, 10, 1013. Filippi, C.V., Zubrzycki, J.E., Di Rienzo, J.A. et al. Unveiling the genetic basis of Sclerotinia head rot resistance in sunflower. BMC Plant Biol 20, 322 (2020). Delgado, S. G., Castaño, F., Cendoya, M. G., Salaberry, M. T., & Quiróz, F. (2020). Analysis of genetic determination of partial resistance to white rot in sunflower. Helia, 43(72), 1-14. Aglotkov, M. V., Ignatenko, A. I., Cherniavskih, V. I., Dumacheva, E. V., Korolkova, S. V., & Koryakov, D. P. (2020). Current environmental selection issues: selection of h. annuus l. for herbicide resistance. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 14(1), 1505-1509. Ghaffari, M., Andarkhor, S. A., Homayonifar, M., Ahmadi, S. A. K., Shariati, F., Jamali, H., & Rahmanpour, S. (2020). Agronomic attributes and stability of exotic sunflower hybrids in Iran. Helia, 1(ahead-of-print). Vedmedeva, K. (2020). Genetic affinity of sunflower lines and cluster analysis by morphological traits. Helia, 1(ahead-of-print). Rehman, H. ur, Khan, F. A., Iqbal, A., Naeem, A., & javed, M. Q. (2020). Combining ability studied for morphological and other quality traits of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under line× tester fashion. Life Science Journal of Pakistan, 2(1), 20-28. Retrieved from Zhou, Y., Gaut, B.S. Large chromosomal variants drive adaptation in sunflowers. Nat. Plants 6, 734–735 (2020). or Research Gate US Patent: DE CARVALHO, Claudio Guilherme Portela et DE TOLEDO, José Francisco Ferraz. Method of obtaining female inbred lines from asteracea hybrids. U.S. Patent Application No 16/802,870, 18 juin 2020. US patent: PAN, Shifeng. Powdery mildew resistant sunflower. U.S. Patent Application No 16/954,678, 1 oct. 2020. PATHOLOGY / CROP PROTECTIONBrand, S.I., Heldwein, A.B., Radons, S.Z. et al. Effect of Alternaria and Septoria spot on sunflower yield. Int J Biometeorol (2020). Balakrishnan, S., Muthamilan, M., Ramanathan, A., Sudhakar, D., Mahalingam, L., Rajendran, L., & Parthasarathy, S. (2020). Field evaluation of fungicide, biotic and abiotic inducers for the management of Alternaria alternata leaf blight of sunflower. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 9(1), 574-575. Fass, M.I., Rivarola, M., Ehrenbolger, G.F. et al. Exploring sunflower responses to Sclerotinia head rot at early stages of infection using RNA-seq analysis. Sci Rep 10, 13347 (2020). Terzić S. et al. (2020) Using Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) as Bioagent Vectors to Control Sclerotinia Head Rot on Sunflower in Serbia. In: Smagghe G., Boecking O., Maccagnani B., Mänd M., Kevan P. (eds) Entomovectoring for Precision Biocontrol and Enhanced Pollination of Crops. Springer, Cham. El_Komy, M.H., Ibrahim, Y.E., Saleh, A.A. et al. Integration of rhizobacterial mixture and silicon nutrition shows potential for the management of charcoal rot of sunflowers caused by Macrophomina phaseolina in semi-arid regions. J Plant Pathol 102, 1227–1239 (2020). Siddique, S., Shoaib, A., Khan, S. N., & Mohy-Ud-Din, A. (2020). Screening and histopathological characterization of sunflower germplasm for resistance to Macrophomina phaseolina. Mycologia, 1-16. Gomzhina, M., & Gannibal, P. B. (2020). Identification of sunflower pathogenic fungus Plenodomus lindquistii using PCR with species-specific oligonucleotide primers. Plant Protection News, (3), 207-210. Nisha, N., Körösi, K., Perczel, M., Yousif, A. I. A., & Bán, R. (2020). First Report on the Occurrence of an Aggressive Pathotype, 734, of Plasmopara halstedii Causing Sunflower Downy Mildew in Hungary. Plant Disease, (ja). Meyer, W., Boshoff, W. H., Minnaar-Ontong, A., Young, A. J., Kong, G., Thompson, S., ... & Visser, B. (2020). Phenotypic and genotypic variation of Puccinia helianthi in South Africa. Plant Disease, (ja). VOTZI, J., & BEDLAN, G. First report of Cercospora helianthicola and Septoria helianthina on Helianthus annuus in Austria. Hosni, T., Abbes, Z., Abaza, L. et al. Effect of broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) on some agro-morphological and biochemical traits of Tunisian and some reference sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) accessions. J Plant Dis Prot 127, 831–841 (2020). Wakabayashi, T., Shinde, H., Shiotani, N., Yamamoto, S., Mizutani, M., Takikawa, H., & Sugimoto, Y. (2020). Conversion of methyl carlactonoate to heliolactone in sunflower. Natural Product Research, 1-8. Jursík, M., Kočárek, M., Kolářová, M., & Tichý, L. (2020). Effect of different soil and weather conditions on efficacy, selectivity and dissipation of herbicides in sunflower. Plant, Soil and Environment, 66(9), 468-476. Beaton, L. L. (2020). A latitudinal gradient in herbivore resistance in common sunflower, Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae). Plant Ecology and Evolution, 153(2), 199-207. Flores, J. M., Gámiz, V., Gil-Lebrero, S., Rodríguez, I., Navas, F. J., García-Valcárcel, A. I., ... & Hernando, M. D. (2020). A three-year large-scale study on the risk of honey bee colony exposure to blooming sunflowers grown from seeds treated with thiamethoxam and clothianidin neonicotinoids. Chemosphere, 262, 127735. AGRONOMYUsman, K., Din, S. U., Ullah, I., Ghulam, S., Imam Malik, M. W., & Saad, M. (2020). Response of Sunflower to Sulfur Rate and Time of Application under Two Tillage Systems in a Silty Clay Soil of Dera Ismail Khan Pakistan. 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Biodiesel feedstocks selection strategies based on economic, technical, and sustainable aspects. Fuel, 283, 119204. MISCELLANEOUSZhang, R., Wang, W., Liu, H., Wang, D., & Yao, J. (2020). Field evaluation of sunflower as a potential trap crop of Lygus pratensis in cotton fields. PloS one, 15(8), e0237318. Coming International and national events 13-14 January, 2021 : Sunflower Research Forum, USA Call for Papers: The National Sunflower Association is inviting research papers for presentation at the 2021 Sunflower Research Forum, which will be held virtually via Zoom, due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, on January 13th and 14th, 2021. 22-25 June 2020, Postponed: 21-24 June 2021 : 20th International Sunflower Conference, Novi Sad, Serbia. 6-10 September 2020, Postponed: June 20-24, 2021: 32nd Annual Meeting AAIC Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops. Bologna, Italy. We invite all the persons who read this newsletter to share information with the Sunflower community: let us know the scientific projects, events organized in your country, crops performances or any information of interest for sunflower R&D. Contact ISA Newsletter: Etienne Pilorgé, ISA Secretary-Treasurer: e.pilorge(at) Or: contact(at) Join ISA Why should you join ISA? You are interested in sunflower research and development, You wish to share points of view and exchange information with colleagues from all over the world, You wish to be informed of the latest news about sunflower, You will benefit from premium registration fees to attend our International Sunflower Conferences and Sunflower Symposia, To become a member of ISA, you are requested to fill a registration form online and pay annual membership fees (70€) Contact: contact(at)