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20th International Sunflower Conference, June 20th - 23rd, 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia.

As organizers of the Conference, we are closely monitoring the situation with Covid19. With increasing percentage of administered vaccines, travelling and event organization are both becoming more feasible. We will provide appropriate information and services both online and onsite to safeguard the health, safety and security of all conference participants.

Already paid registration fees and hotel reservations remain valid, and any individual requests on this issue will be handled with the supporting agency Panacomp.

We invite everyone interested to continue submitting abstracts and papers at
Already submitted abstracts and papers can be modified until the defined deadlines. Use your existing account to submit new versions by making a new submission. Send a brief description of the change to science(at)
Abstract Submission Deadline: December 10th, 2021
Paper Submission Deadline: March 20th, 2022
The special issue of Agronomy-Basel journal (ISSN 2073-4395; SCIE, 2020 IF 3.417) is also open for submission. The issue focuses on latest and the most prominent research activities on sunflower, including communications from the 20th International Sunflower Conference. Deadline for submissions: September 20th, 2022.
We hope and believe that most of the participants, sponsors and exhibitors already registered will be able to adapt to the new date of the conference. Registration is still open. Registration:
Regular fee deadline          May 20th, 2022
On site fee                          from May 21st, 2022
The conference website remains active and all conference information will continue to be published there.
See you next year in Novi Sad!
20th ISC Organizing Committee